Domain scores
Domain  2021 2021 – Score out of 100 WNSWLHD WNSWLHD – Score out of 100
Rostering 51 46
Overtime 60 49
Leave 40 46
Behaviour 61 55
Sick leave 61 53
Facilities 55 50

All scores are out of a possible total of 100.

Key findings for this hospital

How does the 2021 results compare to last year?

Dubbo Base Hospital – WORSE

In 2021, Dubbo Base Hospital received a ‘B’ overall.
In 2020, Dubbo Base Hospital received an ‘A’ overall.

Western NSW Local Health District – WORSE

In 2021, Western NSW Local Health District received a ‘C’ overall.
In 2020, Western NSW Local Health District received a ‘B’ overall.

How does this hospital compare to NSW?

Do you feel valued?

Overall, 90% reported that they felt valued, which was more than the NSW average of 63%.

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Would you recommend your hospital?

85% reported that they would recommend the hospital, which was more than the NSW average of 75%.

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What doctors at this hospital are saying

What do you value most about your hospital?

“Good culture, plenty of opportunities to learn.”

“Collegial work environment and high quality training.”

“Good interdepartmental team work.”

If you could change three things at your hospital what would they be?

“1. Better staffing to reduce rostered and unrostered overtime. 2. Better working relationship with vCare which seems to hold decision-making powers over clinicians. 3. More food/drink availability (in process, part of redevelopment).”

“Access to staff food, eg supply bread, Vegemite and cheese, custard and juice, better instant coffee; more harsh on patients when they are rude and don’t participate in their own healthcare; and more nurses to open beds.”

“1. Staff car park access for afternoon/night shift to make it safer. 2. Better coffee.”

Fatigue, Clinical Error and Personal Safety

Have you made a fatigue-induced clinical error caused by your hours of work at your hospital?

In total, 32% of participants reported that they had made a fatigue-induced error, which was less than the NSW average of 38%.

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Have you ever been concerned about your personal health or safety caused by excessive hours worked at your hospital?

37% said they had felt concerned about their health or safety, which was less than the NSW average of 47%.

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Sick Leave

We asked:

  • If you are unwell, how often do you take sick leave at your hospital?
  • What stops you from taking sick leave if you are unwell?

Dubbo Base Hospital scored above the NSW average on this domain, although the difference was not statistically significant.

How often do you take sick leave at your hospital?

What stops you from taking sick leave if you are unwell?

Detailed information for this hospital

The graphs below are divided into: Rostering, Overtime, Leave, Unacceptable Workplace Behaviours, and Hospital Facilities.

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