Welcome to the July/August 2021 edition of The NSW Doctor magazine.


Bracing for impact

PRESIDENT'S WORD [block_title style="column_title" inner_style="inline_border" title="Bracing for impact"][/block_title] The latest COVID outbreak feels like we’re back where we started. But unlike March 2020, we’ve had time to prepare our health […]

Making a difference in a time of uncertainty

FROM THE CEO [block_title style="column_title" inner_style="inline_border" title="Making a difference in a time of uncertainty"][/block_title] Throughout the pandemic, AMA (NSW) has continued to work to support doctors and their practices. We’re […]

Adventures in Medicine

PROFILE [block_title style="column_title" inner_style="inline_border" title="Adventures in Medicine"][/block_title] Before COVID, AMA (NSW) Council members often started Council meetings with a little game they liked to call, ‘Where in the world is […]

Street Side Medics

FEATURE [block_title style="column_title" inner_style="inline_border" title="Street Side Medics"][/block_title] Street Side Medics is tackling the healthcare needs of Sydney’s homeless community by overcoming the barriers to access. Dr Daniel Nour is a […]

COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout: At the coalface

FEATURE [block_title style="column_title" inner_style="inline_border" title="COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout: At the coalface"][/block_title] The vaccine rollout has been bumpy ride thus far, but The NSW Doctor recently chatted with general practitioners who have […]

Should doctors risk their lives when responding to a disaster?

COLUMN Should doctors risk their lives when responding to a disaster? Doctors must balance their duties to individual patients with their duties to protect themselves, other patients, staff, colleagues and […]

Rural Medicine, over governance, and diplomatosis

COLUMN [block_title style="column_title" inner_style="inline_border" title="Rural Medicine, over governance, and diplomatosis"][/block_title] What is needed urgently is a discussion amongst our profession about the how we ensure that those who practice safely […]

A new collective bargaining process: class exemption

WORKPLACE RELATIONS [block_title style="column_title" inner_style="inline_border" title="A new collective bargaining process: class exemption"][/block_title] From 3 June 2021 small businesses, which includes many medical practitioners, have available to them a Class Exemption […]

Understanding probation periods and the minimum employment period

WORKPLACE RELATIONS [block_title style="column_title" inner_style="inline_border" title="Understanding probation periods and the minimum employment period"][/block_title] As AMA (NSW)’s Workplace Relations advisor, Felicity Buckley explains, probation periods are not ‘get out of jail […]

Health literacy, mental health, and a holistic lens

COLUMN [block_title style="column_title" inner_style="inline_border" title="Health literacy, mental health, and a holistic lens"][/block_title] Being the Commissioner is a humbling experience. Listening to the stories of people who are brave enough to […]

Air pollution

COLUMN [block_title style="column_title" inner_style="inline_border" title="Air pollution "][/block_title] The long-term trend shows air pollution is getting worse in NSW and the impact on residents is determined by where you live, explains […]


CLASSIFIEDS [block_title style="column_title" inner_style="inline_border" title="CLASSIFIEDS"][/block_title] ST LEONARDS ROOMS FOR LEASE 69 CHRISTIE STREET, ST LEONARDS, NSW • Fully fitted and furnished modern office suite including kitchenette. • Currently used as […]

Financial paracetamol

CUTCHER & NEALE [block_title style="column_title" inner_style="inline_border" title="FINANCIAL PARACETAMOL"][/block_title] Welcome to the July edition of Financial Paracetamol. Setting goals for the financial year ahead.   Happy new financial year!   As […]

Read the whole magazine

The NSW Doctor is the flagship publication of the Australian Medical Association (NSW) Limited. The journal is a prime source of communication with AMA membership providing a forum for medicopolitical debate and informing members of the concerns of contemporary medicine.

The NSW Doctor has a circulation of approximately 8,000, and is published every two months. The journal is distributed exclusively to AMA members, selected media, other organisations and subscribers.



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