Domestic violence: too many kids dying or suffering brain injuries
October 23, 2015Take care of your health during heatwave
November 20, 2015AMA (NSW) is aiming to improve access to appropriate services for people experiencing domestic violence by educating doctors on referral pathways to social workers, emergency accommodation services, and legal support.
One in five women experiencing domestic violence will first report it to their GP
AMA (NSW) is encouraging doctors to access the available resources, including the Women’s Legal Services NSW GP Toolkit on Domestic Violence, the RACGP White Book, and resources provided within the state’s hospitals by NSW Health.
For doctors outside of NSW, Federal AMA has produced a national version of the GP Toolkit, which can be found here.
1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) is a 24-hour phone service offering support to people experiencing domestic violence.
It can also provide advice to health professionals supporting patients who are experiencing domestic violence.
Share Your Story video
Supporting patients experiencing domestic violence
AMA (NSW) is also encouraging doctors to watch its video on supporting patients who are experiencing domestic violence.
The content in this video is based on the Women’s Legal Services NSW GP Toolkit.