In this edition we highlight the dedicated doctors providing local, specialist healthcare services in regional NSW, exploring the stories of three of these patients and their doctors about the benefits of this care.

The AMA (NSW) Workplace Relations team provide a detailed spread regarding the important topic of VMO Determinations in public hospitals, the use of artificial intelligence in medical note-taking and payroll tax exemption for general practice.

The magazine also explores the GPs working to improve Western Sydney general practice, offers insight into the Rural Doctors Network’s cadetship program and shares experiences from doctors and patients utilising the IPTAAS scheme. Also in this edition, we reflect on the closure of the AMA(NSW) Charitable Foundation, we launch our new stream of 'My Practice', featuring valued members and their private practices, and feature our latest 'Spotlight On' a valued member.

Read the individual articles below.

Close to Home

Doctors changing lives in regional NSW

Workplace Relations

VMO Determinations in public hospitals, AI in medical note-taking and payroll tax exemption for general practice.

A Revolution in General Practice

GPs in Western Sydney improving general practice

My Practice

New member feature highlighting members and their private practices

Do you know about IPTAAS?

The Isolated Patients Travel Accommodation Assistance Scheme

AMA (NSW) Charitable Foundation

Celebrating the legacy of the AMA (NSW) Charitable Foundation

AMA (NSW) has a range of services and resources to support you

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