Managing a practice is complex. To help you navigate the many responsibilities you face as a private practice owner, we’ve put together a comprehensive suite of resources. You’ll find a range of template Employment Contracts for private practice staff. You can download the templates by clicking on the relevant links below. We also provide Employer Quick Links with information on Pre-Employment Documents, Modern Award information, National Employment Standards, and more.
Information on Workers Compensation Rates and Other Useful Links are also provided below.
Our focus is on your practice, so your focus can be on your patients.

About the templates

Please note, these contracts are suitable if each of the following applies to you:

  • You operate a private medical practice;

  • You will employ the individuals concerned (not engage them as independent contractors);

  • The employees you are hiring are nurses, support staff or other award-covered health professionals (not including employed doctors);

  • You will employ the employees as wages employees (ie, they won’t be paid an all-encompassing salary but will be paid for time worked).

Please note, each of these contract templates is designed to meet the key requirements of the relevant Modern Awards; however, it is your responsibility to ensure award compliance on a day-to-day basis. Full copies of the relevant Modern Awards can be found on our ‘Employer Quick Links’ below.

Medico-Legal Advice

Our expert team of professional advisors have many years of experience advising medical practitioners on medico-legal matters. Director of Workplace Relations, Dominique Egan has been advising medical practitioners for 20 years.

AMA (NSW) provides advice and assistance with issues including:

  • Medical records and privacy

  • Consent

  • Billing matters – Medicare, Private Health Funds, Workers Compensation and CTP

  • Patient complaints

  • HCCC, Medical Council of NSW and AHPRA

  • Ending the therapeutic relationship

  • Subpoenas, court notices and attendances

  • Advertising regulations


Please click on one of the links below and select the type of contract you need.
Items marked with the lock  can be downloaded by members after logging in with your username and password. If you have any difficulty logging in, please contact our Workplace Relations team on 02 9439 8822 or via email.


For employees who have an expectation of regular and systematic ongoing employment

For employees who are hired for a limited period with an end date, but on the basis either party may terminate sooner by providing notice

For employees who are hired to complete a specified period, season or task, and where it would be a breach of contract for either party to end the employment before completion – except in the case of serious misconduct by the employee

For employees who are engaged only ‘as needed’ and who have no expectation of regular or systematic employment in the future

Please note: as a general rule, we recommend employers review all casual arrangements every 3 months, to ensure the employees remain genuinely casual. Failure to do so can increase the legal and practical risks to your business.

Support staff and health professionals (other than employed doctors)

For employees who have an expectation of regular and systematic ongoing employment

For employees who are hired for a limited period with an end date, but on the basis either party may terminate sooner by providing notice

For employees who are hired to complete a specified period, season or task, and where it would be a breach of contract for either party to end the employment before completion – except in the case of serious misconduct by the employee

For employees who are engaged only ‘as needed’ and who have no expectation of regular or systematic employment in the future.

Casual employee contract

Please note: as a general rule, we recommend employers review all casual arrangements every 3 months, to ensure the employees remain genuinely casual. Failure to do so can increase the legal and practical risks to your business.


Have questions or need help tailoring the templates?

If you have questions about the templates, or if you would like help to tailor them for non-standard arrangements, our Workplace Relations Team can assist you. Please contact our Workplace Relations team at  or call 02 9439 8822  (toll free 1800 813 423 outside metropolitan Sydney)


Fees and Billings

Articles and publications

Other useful links

AMA (NSW) has a range of services and resources to support you

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