Commonwealth needs to act to allow all NSW patients access to a dignified death
November 30, 2023
Speak Up and Step In to Save Lives on our Roads: A joint message from NSW Doctors & Bereaved Parents
December 19, 2023
Dear Members,
The AMA (NSW) Ltd Board wishes to advise, in keeping with good governance practices, they have recently completed a tender process for audit services of the Association and its related entities. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, the Association’s appointed auditors for a period of over 10 years, were consulted and in full agreeance and understanding of the Board’s decision.
The Board wishes to advise that ASIC has consented to the resignation of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu of Quay Quarter Tower, 50 Bridge Street, Sydney NSW 2000 with effect from 6th December 2023. The Board also wishes to advise they have appointed Nexia Sydney Audit Pty Ltd, of Level 22, 2 Market Street, Sydney NSW 2000.