Key findings from the 2022 AMA NSW Hospital Health Check
In total, 35 hospitals were compared across six domain scores (where a higher score is better), with each domain composed of a number of relevant survey questions (combined using factor analysis).
Each domain score was standardised (mean=0, standard deviation=1) in the full NSW sample. Hence, the hospital domain score is interpreted as the number of standard deviations above/below the NSW average. Confidence intervals are shown as horizontal lines deviating to the left/right of the point estimate and were calculated using the t-test. Where the confidence interval crosses the null value of 0, the point estimate is not statistically different from 0.
Statistical disclaimer:
Comparison of results among hospitals, and interpretation of the 95% confidence intervals (based on t-tests), must be made with caution, as the survey did not involve a probabilistic sampling frame, but instead was open to the entire NSW doctor in training population, for which the response rate (and sample size) at some hospitals was small. Further, as the junior doctors were not randomly allocated to hospitals, differences in demographics, attitudes and expectations of respondents cannot be adequately controlled. This introduces biases into the results which cannot be accounted for. Thus, all differences among hospital must be interpreted as specific only to the survey respondents at each hospital and must not be interpreted as representative of the experience of all junior doctors at each hospital.
Start by selecting a domain from the box to generate the forest plot by hospitals, then click on the point estimate of a hospital to view a selection of the survey questions on which the domain was based.